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WEBSITES - Khan Academy is a free learning site for subjects from Math to computer programming to grammar. Plus there is test prep for SAT.

CIA World Factbook
Infoplease Countries
National Georgraphic Printable Maps




Gale Biography in Context collection of biographies of people from around the world, throughout history, and across all subjects. It includes audiovisual materials and  full-text articles. 

Explora Secondary Schools
- Arts & LIterature, Biography, Business and Government, Current Issues, Geography, Health, History, Science and Math.


College Planning -helpful articles on subjects of interest to college-bound and current college students,  lists and links to no-cost college scholarship search sites which match students to available scholarships,  a student loan repayment calculator, colleges listed by state, with contact information and links,  an online GPA calculator,  a list of colleges with comprehensive programs for students with learning disabilities,  information on hundreds of fully accredited online degree programs, and more.



Explora Secondary Schools - Arts & LIterature, Biography, Business and Government, Current Issues, Geography, Health, History, Science and Math.

World Book Student - Full of facts, pictures and more, perfect for students.



Points of View Reference Center - This collection covers current social topics and contains a balance of materials from all viewpoints, including essays, leading political magazines, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, primary source documents, and reference books.  

Explora Secondary Schools
- Arts & LIterature, Biography, Business and Government, Current Issues, Geography, Health, History, Science and Math.



Literature & Writing

Gale Literature Resource Center - Full-text articles  biographies, and more to provide a wealth of information on authors, their works, and literary movements.  content covering all genres and disciplines, all time periods and all parts of the world.


Salem Literary Criticism - Authors; Works; Surveys; Magill's Literary Annuals


Literary Reference Center - a database that provides  a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes.


Owl -  In addition to help with formatting a bilbliography, this site has advice on spelling and grammar.

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