Bloomfield Public Library Giving Opportunities
Giving opportunities at the Bloomfield Public Library include Unrestricted Gift for Collection Development. Your gift will be used to buy books for the library. Celebrate Landmark Occasions, or make a Memorial Donation. These gifts are publicized in the press and in postings in the library.
Honor a friend’s birthday or other special event, create a lasting memorial or just surprise a loved one by dedicating a library book in their name. Your donation will be used to purchase a book to add to the Library’s collection to either honor or memorialize the friend, relative or group you designate. Great for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Newborns, Memorials and Holidays!
A giftplate will be placed in the inside cover of the book selected, reflecting both the name of the honored or memorialized person(s) as well as the donor. The book will become a permanent part of the Library’s collection and may be chosen for either the Children’s, Adult, or Audio-Visual collection. What better way to commemorate or celebrate an individual than by offering a gift to others in tribute to them! Life-Cycle events such as graduations, weddings, anniversaries, installations, retirements, and award presentations are among those occasions that have moved many to participate in Bloomfield Public Library’s Buy-a-Book Program. Consider the possibilities!!
For further information, please either visit or write us at the address at the top of the page, print out this form, or call our Administration Office at 973-566-6200×204.
Amazon Wishlist
Choose a specific item from our Amazon Wishlist to donate to the library! These are specific titles that our librarians have determined a need for and are hoping to add to the collection. Give a gift to the entire community. By browsing the list, choosing and purchasing a selection, you can add to the library's book collection available to all library patrons. If you like, donate in honor of a friend or family member, or in memory of a loved one. To browse the wishlist registry, visit:
Fill out an application in the Administration Office. There are many opportunities for voluntary service jobs in the Library. Call the Administration Office at 973-566-6200 x 204.
Make your voice heard!
Our Board of Trustees meets monthly to discuss Library policy and other management issues. Meetings are open to the public. If you have a good idea or an opinion about Library policy, attend a meeting a send a letter to the Board, care of the Library. Check the library calendar , or call the library at 973-566-6200 to find out when the next meeting will be.
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